During 2021 current and long-time E2 Software employee Juha Tamminen and Mint Security owners Thomas Malmberg and Elina Partanen will take over operative management of E2 software. Juha Strandman continues as a member of the board of E2 Software to support the new management. Each company continue as its own legal entity.

Espoo 13.4.2021

By joining forces, we will offer our customers a wider scope of consulting services within automation and information security. In addition, our goal is to strengthen license sales with deeper and broader options in production deployments.

As a one-stop Splunk shop we will be able to help our customers utilize log data and performance indicators as a part of ensuring both business and service availability as well as performance and information security in an even better way. Information security is not only about statistics but requires an in-depth understanding of relevant indicators and context.

Mint Security has a long track record of automated installations and tools to manage a running Splunk environment. These tools have speeded up installations and brought unprecedented levels of business continuity to on-premises Splunk installations and deployments.

The new operative management aims to develop the current customer base towards a more comprehensive service model and to bring better understanding and knowledge about the role of log data management within information security and regulation frameworks into the market. We will continue as the most relevant Splunk and log data management service provider and consultancy in Finland.

Mint Security is an information security consultancy founded in 2015. Our core competences include log data management, information security & compliancy – and Splunk.

E2 Software is the predominant Splunk partner in Finland since 2011. We have supplied Splunk licenses and services to over 70 Finnish companies.

Mint Security ja E2 tiedote

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