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KnowBe4 enables your employees to make smarter security decisions, every day

KnowBe4 is the world’s largest integrated Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform with over tens of thousands of customers. 


Your employees are the weak link in your IT Security. Social engineering is the number one security threat to  any organization. The alarming growth in sophisticated cyberattacks makes this problem only worse, as cybercriminals go for the low-hanging fruit: employees. Numerous reports and white papers show organizations are exposed to massive increases in the number of cyberattacks over the past five years.

Over 35 000

customers worldwide

Kevin Mitnick

30+ years of unique experience of first-hand hacking

1000+ items

Interactive modules, videos, games, posters and newsletters


Want to see more?
We will show you what this is all about in a live demo - exactly how easy it is to both train and phish your users.


You are already familiar with the subject, you know what you want and now you want a quote. Pricing is based on users and the size of the organization. The license periods start from 12 months.
Train Your Users

The world’s largest library of security awareness training content. Automated  training campaigns with scheduled reminder emails.

Phish Your Users

Best-in-class, fully automated, simulated phishing attacks, thousands of templates with unlimited usage, and community phishing templates.

See the results

Enterprise-strength reporting, showing stats and graphs for both training and phishing, ready for management. Show the great ROI!

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Training kills
Saku Tuominen

KnowBe4 and ISO 27001

To fulfill the training requirements of ISO 27001, the organization must identify what the staff need to learn, train the staff and measure the training’s effectiveness. KnowBe4 is the first and largest next-generation security training and phishing simulation platform. It’s built to be user-friendly and highly intuitive to help busy IT professionals — who have a lot of stuff on their plate already, on an ongoing basis.


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