Security Consulting

Security Consulting in Brief

Mint Security endeavours to provide off-the-shelf service concepts, but it is impossible to offer all our know-how as neat packages. However, we do not offer general consulting for any potential needs but we provide consulting based on our employees’ precise and deep skills as well as long experience.

What Mint Security Delivers

As far as consulting is concerned, we provide expert work to our customers.

Customer Needs and Challenges to Be Solved

Purchasing from Start to Finish

The biggest mistakes in purchasing are made at the buying stage. Remedying these errors afterwards is always very expensive. We will help you improve definitions and invitations to bid by attaching continuity, service level and end product measurement as well as data security requirements. If necessary, we will participate in the purchase phase work and in the negotiations.

Project Management, Project Risk Map and Life Cycle Risk Management

When starting a project, it is important to follow up on issues that can have a negative impact on the success of the project. By using a risk map it is possible to avoid risks and continuously monitor issues that could be a threat to the project. The risk map follows the risk register principle, identifies the threats, the consequences of the realization of the threats, and the probabilities of the realization of the threats. The project is evaluated throughout its life cycle while comprehensive and meaningful reports are produced.

The most suitable instruments and key risk indicators (KRI) are selected for the project, and the KRIs are followed up using simple tools. The indicators show the risk level at the implementation stage as well as the safety level of the project outcome. The safety levels are measured, for example, according to OWASP ASVS, ISO27k or another selected framework.

In some cases, the company’s management requires that the project’s risk management is done by a trusted and certified external consultancy. In this case, we assist in purchasing risk management, whereby the risk management purchasing know-how is transferred to the organization.


Deployment is the most critical step in all projects. We participate in producing deployment plans as well as the introduction of risk mapping and risk mitigation coordination. We supply indicators and reports that support deployment. We help to ensure that the risk levels of deployments are known and that the factors that guarantee success have been identified. In addition, we also ensure the timeliness and openness of communication.

Quality Assurance and QA

Quality is a prerequisite when a project or product is developed. However, quality management, management control, and overall measurement are not always trivial. While an expert organization may have a clear picture of what quality means to them, taking control of quality and measurement is not self-evident. In many cases, designing and coordinating communication between the internal departments or business units of an organization is also an essential part of quality control.

More Details about Our Methods and Tools

SecWe utilize our deep experience and ready templates and we develop good practices.

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