Mint Security starts to resell and support Spamhaus’s services in Finland.
Spamhaus Technology Ltd is a UK company specialised in email and network security. Spamhaus delivers continuously updated data feeds worldwide; for individuals, businesses of all sizes, government departments and civic organizations. Block lists provided by Spamhaus protect 3 billion mailboxes every day.
Email is mission critical to all businesses and organizations, retaining a unique position as the most common communication tool across the internet. However its widespread use makes it a key channel for cyber criminals to take advantage of your data, your money and your networks. For more than a decade we have been helping organizations protect against such activity through our reputation-based threat intelligence.

Email is at the forefront of cyber, and all that can be done to help end users – invisibly and easily – must of course be done. Information networks must be reliable, and the information provided by Spamhaus will help build the first line of defense. Easily and cost-effectively.
Spamhaus might be familiar to many, but commercial exploitation of the services still partly on a rather early stage in the Finnish market. It should be noted that the products and services are not limited to only email. Spamhaus also operates in DNS services and BGP routers. In addition, Spamhaus provides security teams, forensics teams or for the curious only – a search engine that can dig into domain information.
Check out Spamhaus’s products, lists and research.

Extensive datasets Flexible integrations Competitive advantage About Spamhaus Technology With over 20 years experience, Spamhaus is the trusted authority on IP and domain reputation data.

Webinar: Domain hijacking – a prevalent problem
The threat landscape is constantly changing as cybercriminals continually try to avoid detection, and increase the number of legitimate resources they can utilize. Recently domain hijacking has become more prevalent. Every day this year, Spamhaus has observed over a 100 hijacked domains at one single domain registrar.

Mint Security to resell Spamhaus services
Mint Security starts to resell and support Spamhaus’s services in Finland. Block lists provided by Spamhaus protect 3 billion mailboxes every day. Spamhaus also operates in DNS services and BGP routers.

Spamhaus Botnet Threat Report 2019 – A comprehensive overview how criminal botnets work
Researchers at Spamhaus Malware Labs identified and blocked 17,602 botnet C&C servers hosted on 1,210 different networks. That is an enormous 71.5% increase from the number of botnet C&Cs seen in 2018. Since 2017, the number of newly detected botnet C&Cs has almost doubled from 9,500 to 17,602.

Botnet command & control domain registrations go through the roof in 2018
When Spamhaus Malware Labs observe a 100% increase in the number of domains that are being registered by cybercriminals to host a botnet command & control (C&C) it’s time to stop. Cybercriminals prefer to use a domain name registered exclusively to host a botnet C&C